Monday, December 14, 2009

What happened?

Damn, Feb of 2007....been a long time since I touched this. Well, a hell of a lot has changed since then, but I guess I'm still here. I don't I might use this to as kind of an online journal...I dunno. No job right now means lots of time, but I'm on borrowed internet(Thanks Harold).

I will however pimp out a source of great entertainment that I've recently discovered, and that is never have a seen such a gathering of funny and talented people. There's a lot of people that this site hosts but I do have a few recommendations

First off Doug Walker is 'that guy with the glasses' and owns the site, He does The Nostalgia Critic, Bum Reviews, and Ask that guy. The critic reviews the Mediocre, weird, and downright bad movies that he grew up with. The bum does recent movies, but in his own happy bum kind of way. Ask that guy is funny but wrong, you'd just have to see for yourself.

Second, Doug has a female counter-part and she is Lindsey Ellis - The Nostalgia chick. She usually handles the movies that girls grew up with and that Doug wouldn't be able to cover as he hadn't seen them. She is funny and very witty, a good recommendation for guys and gals both.

Third we Have the Spoony one aka Noah Antwiler. He's hosted on site, but really to get the full Spoony experience head to The Spoony Experiment. This man is the king of snark and all things geek. There's so much I could recommend for this guy, but this would be a HUGE post if I listed everything, so for now I'll give you a few samples. For anyone who might not have seen New Moon as a great piece of film or maybe those of you have These are his thoughts on the movie, Anybody who hasn't seen it or die hard Twilight fans may want to avoid it...lots of spoilers ahead and well a man just beside himself. He's also does a series called Lets riff on Ripper (Warning! hardcore geek material ahead!) an old full motion video adventure game from the late nineties, in which records himself playing the game while giving Rifftrax-type commentary that is hilarious. He also did the same with Final Fantasy 8 and Swat 4(Scroll to the bottom of the page to get the first video in each series). Anyway as you might be able to to tell Spoony is one of my favorites.

Fourth We have Lewis Lovhaug aka Linkara, he does Atop the 4th wall. This is for all you comic book fans out there, this is where bad comics burn. He's taken on the likes of Rob Leifeld, Frank Miller and some of the most awesomely bad comics ever put to print.(I'm looking at you Superman at Earth's end) Just don't ask him what he thinks of Spiderman's deal with the devil...

Fifth and last but not least is Jason(don't know his last name) aka LordKat. He does a series Called Until We Win. Most all of us grew up with a Nintendo and remember how amazingly hard some of those old games were, hence the phrase was coined 'Nintendo Hard'. Well this man is just crazy enough and has LEGENDARY patience to show you how to beat these games without cheating or using save states. He's been having some computer problems here lately so send him some love if you like his stuff.

These are just my favorites and only represent a small portion that I've discovered from, there are many more talented people hosted on that site.

Anyways thanks for reading this long winded post, and I hope someone reading this finds some great internet entertainment, I sure have.


Monday, February 12, 2007

Barak Obama's anti-war speech

From the article:

"I know that even a successful war against Iraq will require a US occupation of undetermined length, at undetermined cost, with undetermined consequences.I know that an invasion of Iraq without a clear rationale and without strong international support will only fan the flames of the Middle East.I am not opposed to all wars.I’m opposed to dumb wars".

I don't know a lot about this guy, but the man can make a good speech. If what he says isn't just empty promises, then I believe this man would make a good president.

read more | digg story

Thursday, February 8, 2007

DRM = Evil

You know it's bad when the creator of the most widespread DRM says it has failed miserably. There has to be a better solution to this, I certainly wouldn't mind paying for music if I knew that the artist was going to get their fair share of the money.

A great quote from John C Dvorak "During the heyday of Napster and open free music sharing and trading, when million of people swapped songs, the CD business was booming. Once Napster was shut down, and along with it the social network of music discovery, sales began to plummet. They are still falling."

"Apparently these people are clueless about their own industry and how it works."

It seems like the record industry is figuring out that it's lost it's monopoly on music distribution and is trying every trick in the book to hold on, only time will tell.

From the Economist: Music wants to be free

The Economist's take on Job's new DRM stand. This focuses more on the business angle of Job's decision than on why DRM is 'evil'.

read more | digg story

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Don't be misled by these 10 Windows Vista myths

Good article if your thinking of upgrading to Windows Vista.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Wow... a blog

Well I guess I'll give this blog thing a shot, but be warned many ramblings, bemusing, general broken thoughts and fuzzy logic ahead, You were warned.